Syllabus – Introduction to Dynamic Systems
Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Systems
- System Representations
- State space representations (continuous-time and discrete-time);
- Linear and nonlinear systems;
- Linearization;
- Input-output models and transfer functions;
- State space realizations of transfer functions including controllable and observable realizations, minimal realizations.
- System Behaviour and Stability
- Review of linear algebra including eigenvalues and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem;
- State transition matrix and the solution of linear state equations;
- Stability and boundedness;
- Stability tests for linear time invariant systems;
- Lyapunov stability theory for linear and nonlinear systems.
- System Input-Output Properties
- Input-output response, impulse response, convolution integral, frequency response;
- Input-output stability;
- System performance;
- Observability, unobservable subspaces and unobservable modes;
- Controllability, controllable subspaces and controllable modes.
- Control Design
- Stabilizability and state feedback, eigenvalue placement;
- Detectability and observers;
- Observer based control design;
- Tracking and disturbance rejection;
- Linear quadratic regulators (LQR) ;
- LQG controllers.