Syllabus – Graph Theory

Graph Theory

  1. Fundamental Concepts
    1. Directed and undirected graphs, bi-partite graphs;
    2. Paths, cycles, circuits and trees;
    3. Connectivity and diameter;
    4. The adjacency matrix
  2. Basic Algorithms
    1. Breadth-first and depth-first search;
    2. Dijkstra’s algorithms;
    3. Floyd-Warshall algorithm;
    4. Spanning Trees;
  3. Networks and Flows
    1. Ford-Fulkerson algorithm;
    2. Edmonds-Karp algorithm;
    3. Blocking flows;
    4. Goldberg-Tarjan algorithm
  4. Coloring and related topics
    1. Edge and vertex coloring problems;
    2. Coloring in communications;
    3. Modern coloring algorithms